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Can we as a people improve and change people’s life more than just donate as we have always done. If we break it down, in many cases only a minor portion donated goes to where it is needed, the poor. In some cases, only 7% in the dollar, please read the fine print on any contract or disclaimer before buying or donate, therefor his book “An Amazing Journey” will donate all sales except for incidentals and promotion. His name Kresten Aagesen have taken to task change things in a different way we believe have never been tried before.

We believe many charities in order to survive, and often donation from the public does not cover the cost in running these institutions, the need to ask the government for funding, leave them open to be controlled by government as it is tax payer money, that said, control is taken away from charities once they accept government funding, and a whole lot of rules and regulations takes place, there restrict this body to control their own affairs.

From his limited observation, of the company act regarding this subject and still operate as a charity or sole trader, will allow him to control, and how to distribute this money from the sale of his books to where it is really needed, all put in place by his criminal layer and chartered accountant acting on his behalf according to Australian business review services.

The people in country areas and the bush need so much help from their local communities, I would like to see a better solution in a stressful situation by funding with more money, from angle flight, the royal flying doctor or MAF mission aviation flight there need constantly support to get to these remote areas here in Australia. We can support in funding for maintenance and fuel and other services as needed. People there need hospital treatment coming to a big city and the rush for appointment need the guidance from a local friendly environment for this help. I am in no way taking away the good work already in place by organization like salvation army or Ronald McDonald house and many others but hoping to fill a gap with specialized services.

There will be no one left behind the children and his compassion for them are always at the front of his mind, with star foundation and make a wish foundation, equipment needed there always seems to be in short supply in hospitals, this would be an ongoing support to these organization.

This is very much where the churches need to be more focused on a common goal and work together and not an institution, but free standing outside government control. Other project in the pipeline would be to put these people at ease by excursion, either by regular trips to the reef as some children have never seen a beach so not to dwell on their sickness being away from home or bring loved one to them at no cost. This can be done by buying a live onboard boat for overnight stay, with all meals and personal needs, at low to no cost, all expenses paid for. The many ways leave this subject open for discussion. Kresten take this opportunity to ask for the attention of some big churches, there are dealing with homeless shelter, and shame those who are aware of the delipidated state they are in. We can all make a big change, it only takes one and if we truly believe in God our creator, we all need to be onboard, it is our duty. With his book “An Amazing Journey” his hope is for you to let all your friends know that together we can open doors and new opportunities for the disadvantages in our society.

Please go to my website.

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